great software

choose your own color
choose your own language
have your own terminology
import from any source

report cards

create your own report cards
choose from the many styles available
combine header, detail and footer sections

do it your own way

Have the following just the way you want them to appear:

credit notes
purchase orders

your own reports

Use Time Software's revolutionary report creation engine to easily create your own reports without any knowledge of the underlying database. Simply choose your report items.

your own documents

Have TS School mail-merge selected items onto a standard MS Word document.

your own messages

Create your own messages such as notifications, birthday wishes, test and examination results and so on. These can be sent as emails, PC messages or SMS's.

the extra mile

The following are examples of where we've strived to make the system meet every possible school requirement imaginable. This list is by no means exhaustive since we have adopted this attitude through every part of the system.

Doing it your way!
Your own database - Choose between a number of popular databases (MS Access, SQL Server, SQL Server Express and MySql).
Your own reports - We've created our own report generator for you - so you can create your own reports. Unlike reporting tools, you don't need to have any knowledge of TS School's underlying database. Instead you are presented with a tree of items to place in your report. You also have a report designer at your disposal should you wish to add other content such as your school emblem.
Your own documents - Create your own documents concerning students, staff, guardians, financiers, library members, debtors, creditors using advanced MS Word mail-merging techniques. Again, you are presented with a tree of items available to strategically place in your document.
Your own messages - Create and send out your own messages (emails, SMS's and PC messages).
Your own language - Have TS School presented to you in your own language.
Report cards - Have your own styled report cards with as much or as little detail on them as you wish. Produce three different types of report cards: administration class, subject class and test group.
Statements - Have your own styled invoices, statements, receipts, credit notes and purchase orders with as much or as little detail on them as you wish.
Your own award certificates - Create your own award certificates.

Calculations - Only test marks are stored; all other academic results are always calculated as and when they are needed. This means results never need to be updated. So if a mark, test or weight changes, there is no test percentage to update - neither are there class test or term and year student and class percentages to update. This makes for the most efficient academic storage and retrieval system possible.
Test templates - Instead of setting up the tests of each and every subject class, the tests are set up once in a template and subject classes adopt them.
Test groups - These hold groups of tests. The test groups can then be weighed against each other. E.g. term 1, term 2, mid-year exam, term 3, term 4 and final exam test groups can each have their own tests and be weighed against each other to produce a final year result. Many systems simply have tests belonging to terms and only those terms weighted against each other - they don't cater for directly weighting terms against exams.
Test group categories - Not only can tests belong to a term, they can also be categorized. Examples of such categories might be tests, assignments and assessments. Report cards can then show the academic results per category.
Comment templates - These hold the default staff and principal comments which can later be overridden if need be. Having automatic comments greatly speeds up the report card compilation process.
Progression templates - These ascertain just how students are progressing throughout the year and from year to year. These templates automatically pass or fail students (which can be overridden).
Support templates - These ascertain the level of support required by students throughout the year and from year to year. These templates prove invaluable as they easily identify students requiring much needed support at the earliest of stages.

Account mappings - Map your accounts once and thereafter you don't ever have to select which accounts you are working with. This eliminates error and greatly reduces the time required to do your accounts.
Crazy quick invoicing - After subscribing students to school services on system setup, invoice your students with a simple click of a button!

Trial teams - TS School doesn't just meet your academic needs, it also caters for your sports needs as well. Just as subject classes have tests so athletics, gymnastics and swimming teams have trials.
Competition teams - The top students from trial teams get together to compete in competition teams in athletics, gymnastics and swimming competitions.

Schools - Administer multiple schools. Certain items such as financial statements are consolidated.
Libraries - Have more than one library in your school.
Stores - Have multiple stores.

Data retrieval - We have developed and perfected special database data retrieval technologies that allow for super fast report generation, document mail-merging and messaging.
Report generator - We have developed our own report generator employed in our own reports module.
Web - Synchronize vast amounts of data in a flash.