
The Web Module allows you to have your school information copied to and available online for your users to access from anywhere in the world.

Add your school to our online database
Add your users
Easily upload your data
Staff, students, guardians and financiers can log in
Huge amount of information available online
Statistics for governing bodies

Web setup

The web module starts off with creating data tables online so that all information is uploaded for online access. The uploading of tables has a checking facility to reassure that a full upload was executed.


Upload data includes: report cards, invoices, statements, timetable, calendar, images of staff and students, personal data, administration class, subject class, dorms and teams. To access this information you must be a staff member, student, parent or guardian, financier or any trusted member of the school.


Download data and view information online. Any privileged member of the school has access to this basic information.