
The Experience Module allows one to enter the historical specifics of both staff and student. Handled are school details, subjects taught/taken, sports coached/taken, awards received, offenses committed and a number of other details.

Previous student profile, I.Q., total merits, total demerits
Previous student subjects taken
Previous student subject performances
Previous student sports taken
Previous student sporting performances for athletics, gymnastics and swimming
Previous student awards received
Previous student aptitudes
Previous student misdemeanors
Previous staff profile
Previous staff subjects taught
Previous staff sports coached
Previous staff awards received
Previous staff misdemeanors

Student experience

Historical information helps understand more about the students achievements while they were attending other schools. A full record is created in the prior school tab of the students module.

Staff experience

Staff's past experience and teaching history is recorded in the staff experience tab of the staff module. Access information as permitted.

Qualification and experience

A documented list of institutes attended plus the subject taught and sport coached. The staff experience function helps with growth planning.