
The Examination Module handles everything to do with tests and exams. This entails the organization and execution of tests and exams, the entering of marks, and the finalization and printing of report cards and other relevant letters of correspondence.

Set up tests and exams
Tests based on templates
Enter marks in the mark book
Finalize report cards
Print out report cards


Albeit, a test, examination, assessment or even and assignment the layout for the entire year is setup in a template. The test template can be changed at anytime. This step will define the system that you wish to work with for the entire year, or a specific period, like a term or even a once off template. Create a workable weighting system for all aspects of the examination or grading system.

Mark book

By careful setting up of the examination module the mark book is ready for use. User define system is presented and all you need to do is add the marks.

Report cards

Work with the sample report or tweak a template. Another option is to create your own report card. Select the term and grade or for individual student: select term and the student to print the report card.